Kirsten Newitt

Kirsten’s professional interests include:

  • the intersection between gender, labour and development
  • enterprise-level approaches to promoting better employment outcomes for women (and men)
  • the benefits of decent work, freedom of association and social dialogue for economic and social development
  • comparative labour law and industrial relations

Kirsten has been with Ergon since 2008. Her work encompasses research and advisory services, in-country technical cooperation and workplace assessments. She has delivered projects on labour and gender for international organisations, multi-stakeholder initiatives and large companies including IFC, EBRD, ILO, World Bank, European Commission, IDH and Better Work.

Kirsten is a qualified lawyer. Before Ergon, she advised on employment and OHS matters to government agencies in Australia and worked as a solicitor in a commercial firm. She has also lived in Fiji, where she advised the Ministry of Labour on OHS and labour law reforms. In 2009, she spent a two month sabbatical working for the ILO’s Declaration programme in Geneva.