Posted by Steve Gibbons

Good practice on non-discrimination

We drafted this Good Practice Note on Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity for the International Finance Corporation, the Private Sector arm of the World Bank Group. The Good Practice Note is part of a new suite of guidance from IFC on labour issues to accompany the organisation’s soon-to-be-implemented new policies on labour rights.

The Good Practice Note on Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity sets out the international provisions of non-discrimination in the workplace and draws on good practice examples to indicate circumstances where companies may take positive action both to prevent discrimination and encourage previously alienated or overlooked groups to participate in the labor market. The Good Practice Note provides guidance to IFC clients and other employers in emerging markets on promoting both equality and diversity, and overcoming discriminatory practices, while acknowledging that this can often be a controversial and difficult topic.

Click here to download the Good Practice Note, hard copies of which can also be ordered from the World Bank information shop