Brett Dodge
Senior Consultant, Lead - Human Rights and Agrifood Systems

Brett has been with Ergon since 2011 and is a Senior Consultant and our Lead for Human Rights and Agrifood Systems.

Brett specialises in research, project management and stakeholder engagement on labour and human rights in agriculture and primary sector supply chains around the world. At Ergon, Brett primarily supports our corporate clients as well as multi-stakeholder initiatives and focuses on:

  • Designing and facilitating start-up of new country programmes for standards organizations and not-for-profit groups
  • Support for brands and NGOs to incorporate learnings from forced labour due diligence programmes
  • Quantitative analysis on understanding wages and fair wage analysis in various global production chains
  • Developing tools to measure and monitor human rights risks as part of company and multi-stakeholder due diligence programmes
  • Training, capacity building and workshop facilitation for business and civil society organisations

He has delivered field research on workers’ rights and labour conditions in India (tea, seafood, spices, coffee, textiles), Ghana (cocoa), Kenya (horticulture, tea), Ethiopia (flowers), Tanzania (flowers, horticulture), Turkey (cotton), and others.

Brett has an extensive background in business and human rights and international labour standards. He has an LLM in International Human Rights from the University of Essex and a BA from the University of North Carolina at Asheville.