Reports and articles spanning our work on human rights, gender and human rights

Guidance: Athletes Declaration Implementation Guide
We supported the IOC to develop the Athletes’ Declaration Implementation Guide. This report provides guidance on how International Sports Federations and National Olympic Committees can promote athletes’ rights.

Sesame seeds in Sudan: human rights risk assessment
This report from ETI Sweden, researched by Ergon, looks at human rights risks associated with sesame seed production in Sudan. It forms the basis for further collaboration between ETI Sweden and its members.

Avocados from Peru: HRIA
This public report has been produced by ALDI South and summarises the research and results of Ergon's extensive HRIA study on avocado from Peru.

Ergon's human rights due diligence services
Find out what we can do for your organisation in relation to understanding human rights risks, identifying where these are highest, and building action plans to reduce and prevent negative impacts in operations, supply chains and investment relationships.

Wild catch fish focused on tuna: HRIA
This HRIA report, published by Aldi North, was conducted by Ergon and looks at human rights risks and impacts in the wild catch fish and seafood supply chains, with a specific focus on tuna. It incudes full analysis of impacts and actions agreed by Aldi.