Opinion and insight

Our latest thoughts on business and human rights issues around the world

Ergon Update - July 2024
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Ergon Update - April 2024
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Why gender equality is key to climate action … and why it helps to take a sectoral view
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Ergon Newsletter - 2024 outlook
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Ergon Update -December 2023
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Ergon Update - October 2023
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Reflections on Ergon's work: 18 years since we started
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Ergon Update - July 2023
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Ergon Update – April 2023
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What to look out for in 2023
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Ergon Update November 2022
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Some initial thoughts on the proposed EU Due Diligence Directive
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What are people saying about the draft EU Corporate Sustainability Directive?
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Human rights impact assessments in food supply chains – what have we learnt?
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What to look out for in 2022
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Ergon Update October 2021
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How can private equity funds manage labour risks in portfolio companies?
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Gender-based violence in the context of Covid-19: how can businesses respond?
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Living wage: broader commitments but continuing challenges
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Ergon Update May 2021
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How the private sector can #ChooseToChallenge gender bias and inequality
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Podcast: prospects for mandatory due diligence legislation in Germany and the EU
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Vers une directive européenne sur le devoir de vigilance: apprendre de l’expérience française
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Towards an EU directive on mandatory due diligence: building on the French experience
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Ergon Update April 2020
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Human rights due diligence: time for (climate) change?
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Ergon Update September 2019
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Ethical, Fair, Responsible, Dignified… recruitment
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Dutch take the lead on child labour with new due diligence law
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Ergon Update May 2019
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What to look out for in 2019
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International Women's day 2019 #BalanceforBetter
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Modern slavery reporting: are we making progress?
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What happens in Geneva… some thoughts on the UN Forum
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Tomorrow’s world of work: meeting the tech challenge
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What to look out for in 2020
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Ergon Update: September 2018
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The business case for employer-supported childcare
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What works for worker welfare in the oil and gas sector
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Ergon Update: May 2018
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Looking over the farm fence: area-based approaches to agricultural supply chain improvements
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Labour clauses in trade agreements – how do they operate and what can be improved?
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International Women's Day 2018: #PressforProgress
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2025: the end of child labour?
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The value of 'counting' in modern slavery due diligence
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Key trends and issues for 2018
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Jobs and the 2030 SDG Agenda
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Human rights - thinking about impact assessment
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Resources on the potential mandatory due diligence Directive
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Ergon Update: October 2020
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Ergon Update April 2017
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Ergon Update July 2022
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Ergon Update April 2022
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(En)gendering human rights due diligence: a ‘transformative’ UNGPs framework
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'Be bold for change': Ergon's work supporting gender equality
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